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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Mrs. Sharon Tan

She is the most cheerful teacher since my secondary school life. She is always cracking jokes during our lesson and brightens up the whole class. Her jokes are like the warm sunshine that enhances her boring maths lesson. I think she is the funkiest teacher.

Although she is now pregnant, she doesn't seem to have any mood change when teaching our class. Always a cheerful and a carefree teacher. The most probable suggestion is that she should change her job and be a comedian. It really fun to have this kind of cheerful teacher in the class. Sometimes she is serious in her work or when she is teaching but she would try her utmost to crack some jokes. She could even crack jokes that seem impossible to crack. Her eyes are as sharp as an eagle's eye. She is able to catch something some of our classmates are doing behind her back very quickly. But she is a very lenient and forgiving teacher.

Never would you see her scold someone so badly or sent someone to the recovery room. I doubt she would ever make any enemies in her lifetime before. She has brought life to the whole class. The teacher that everyone is waiting for.

Sometimes I do wonder whether she would ever get stressed and depressed or not. Maybe it is because she acted too well. In school, she would give the class a source of life from her boring maths lessons. She is also a very patient teacher as sometimes when we don’t understand certain topic or subjects; she would take the effort to repeat and took the consideration to help teach the pupil until he/she understands.

The strength behind her patience and cheerfulness is her positive attitude. She would never admit failure to herself. Whenever we have a problem that is challenging, she would try her best to solve it. No matter how much we would oppose her ideas she would rebut back at us. Sometimes she could make all this communication with us into a joke. She is capable of turning a scenario of maybe a case of a pupil sleeping in class into a joke to brighten up the class. She is a very fun loving person. Sometimes she would get angry with us as we didn’t do our homework or sleep in class, but she will not punish us. Such a forgiving and cheerful is hard to ask for in such a stressful and complicated world. The lessons that has brought to my life is one that I would never forget.

Overall, I feel that she is the most humorous teacher and if you have problems entertaining somebody, look for Mrs. Sharon Tan.

~*KiddyGrade*~ [6:32 PM]
___Kiddy Grade___

Thursday, April 06, 2006
Happiness. Well, that word was in my mind when I looked at the framed photo of her. The smile on her face, the moments that we were together. I could still feel the happiness and love that is given to me. The warmth given then was so overwhelming. I smiled as I think of the happy times we were together......

I smiled as I skipped briskly towards my violin class. Gripping tightly on to my precious violin, I made a beeline towards the candy store. Lemon flavoured sweets were what I was searching for. Not because I liked lemon flavoured sweets but it is because of the fact that it was the favourite snack for Christine. Christine was the girl I had a crush on since we were in secondary school. She was everything to me. Well, I was kind of a shy guy and did not have the courage to tell what I feel. To me she was like the beautiful white dove that enlighten the entire forest as she passes. She was the main reason why I stayed in the violin class. She was like a piece of diamond on a pile of charcoal. I always looked forward to see her every violin lesson. Her sweet smile melts my heart every time I see her. Everything in her was perfect in my eyes.

Soon the violin class started. She came into the room like a elegant princess. I could not take my eyes off her. Although she did not seem to have any interest in me or sometimes did not even smile or talk to me , I did not mind at all. My ears were not listening to any crap the teacher was talking about. My mind was totally filled with Christine. Soon there was a slight commotion around the entire class. I was totally unaware about the sudden uproar in the class. My ears trickled. I heard my name being called. I was abruptly woken up from my own wonderful dreamland. I quickly directed my attention away from Christine. The grin on my teacher’s face gave me the chills. Fresh news rushed into my mind. I realized I was chosen for an International violin competition. I was the best candidate in the pack. Joy seems to flow into my mind. I wondered if this participation in this competition would enable Christine to be more interest in me. I glanced at her, but she seems to have no interest in me. My heart sank.

The competition finally arrived. I was like a lost baby bird without its mother, totally lost in anxiety and uneasiness. I don’t know what’s going to happen next. I had butterflies in my tummy as I heard my name being called out. Cold sweat started to flow down my cheeks. My legs started to feel like wobbly jelly and as though I could collapse anytime. I walked slowly out of the waiting room into the auditorium as I pray that all my hard work would pay off. As I looked at the audience, I almost died. The crowd was totally uncountable. But as I scanned throughout the auditorium, something caught my attention. Someone amongst audience that really got my attention. My heart was beating excitedly. It was Christine. Her appearance had become my ray of hope in my world of anxiety and darkness. She gave me the courage to carry on with my competition. She fixed her gaze on me and smiled. Smiled? That was the first time she ever smiled at me. Her beaming eyes pushed me onwards to go on stage. I hopped on stage with a new bout of energy, lifted up my violin and played to my fullest level of my ability. I was like a unbeaten warrior with my fullest burst of energy. I could hear the applause contributed by the audience. A bout of joy and happiness hit me hard as I heard the loud applause but the best of all, I saw Christine screaming at the top of her voice, totally enjoying herself. I was beaming with joy. The excitement was irresistible. The fact that Christine smiled to me really brightens me up. I heave a sigh of relief. It was finally over. I could not believe that a shy guy like me could ever do this. Well, I couldn’t stay on stage forever, I bowed to the judges and hopped off the stage, totally fatigued from the anxiety and the excitement. I walked towards the small waiting room. Little did I know that Christine already disappeared from her seat. I did not expect any joyous thing to happen next. But it did……

I strolled towards the waiting room, desiring for some drinks to cool me down. Well, I didn’t regret opening that door to the waiting room. Standing in front of me was no other than Christine. I stared wide-eyed at her, totally unprepared for the surprise. My heart skipped a beat. Her eyes sparkled at me. She ran towards me and grabbed my hand. Her warm touch made my heart really soothing. Her stare and smile caught my eye. She felt so warm by my side, so reassuring for me. She looked straight into my eyes. Although she did not say anything to me I could feel the feeling she was trying to express. Shy girl, I suppose. She rested on me. Her presence made me feel so great. Another bout of happiness hit me again. This time I was so much happier. Her love was what I wanted so much.

I wished that this moment would on last forever……

~*KiddyGrade*~ [8:49 PM]
___Kiddy Grade___

Monday, March 06, 2006
Hot tears fell as I heard the news. The news of how my mom died of heart attack. Why has god done this to me? The mistake was committed by me, why can’t the blame be placed onto me? I could not accept the unfortunate events that have taken placed. I knew it was my fault. It was all my wrongdoings. I glanced at the photo with a bloodshot and tearful eye. My heart was so heavy as if a few hundred tones of weigh were on it. I have lost her. She was gone, gone…I wondered who would take care of me now…

From young, my father was no longer in this beautiful world. My mother was made the only breadwinner of the family. She worked all her life and sacrifice all her time and effort to support this family. But I was a stubborn kid and not only I did not realize her effort for the family and did not appreciate her I even scold and blame her for many things. I was usually a good boy in my primary schools. But when I when into the secondary schools, things started to get really different. I became selfish to my mom and complained that the money that I got was too little. She was strong and kept all her troubles to herself. I did not care about her as I thought that she was controlling me too much. I did not let her explain to me.

The real trouble came when I knew this group of friends. We got really close together. We went out after school and normally got into serious fights. Studies were secondary to us. We soon became one of the “terrorists” of the school. Everyone was scared of us. I was like the king of the school. I enjoyed the power that we used to have in the school. One day, when we were gathering together, my friends got together and introduce this “enjoyment” to me. I did not know about it also, but out of curiosity I tried it. I felt really great. However, luck was not on my side, I was hooked up on drugs. From that day onwards, drugs were my life. I could not do without it. I was always craving and desperate for drugs. The gang was my life. They were everything to me. But my mom was kept unaware about this. I sometimes wondered how pain she would feel if she knew about this. I knew she was softhearted and weak due to much exhaustion.

Soon my involvement with the gang slowly seeped into my mother’s ears. We were doing our rounds in our “area” when we met up with another opposing gang. Soon sparks flew and a gang fight sparked off. Darn those neighbors, who have spotted the gang and called the police. Shouts of anger echoed around the neighbourhood as police officers swarmed the entire area. But the legs of the police were always faster and I was caught like a rat in a cat’s paw.
All our parents were called. I stood there shivering like a man soaked in the rain. The shivering was not because of the cold, but the fear of my mother, and how she would react if she found out about this horrible mistake. Scenes of how my mother would do to me flashed through my eyes. The thought really freaked me out. Tears of fear began to fall as I saw how my friends were reprimanded by their angry parents and I felt how my softhearted mom would react. The main door open, and the moment of truth appeared in front of me. I could see the pain through my mother’s eyes. I knew that I had broken her heart. The intense feeling was overbearing. I felt my mom moment of anguish and disappointment in me. Tears were forming in her eyes as she saw what her beloved son had turn into. My heart was aching and I suddenly felt remorseful and felt so sorry about all the things that I have done.

To my horror, her face and blood red lips turned completely white as thought she had loss a lot of blood. She stumbled and fell to the white marble flooring. She had a heart attack! I knew she couldn’t take it. I rushed by her side and hot tears dripped on to her face. That was the last time I saw her alive.

Now, sitting on my bed, I could only see her face through her photograph. She was no longer with me. It was my fault that triggered this tragedy. My heart sank as I looked at her photos. Remorsefulness and regret seeped slowly into my mind. Tears soon fell uncontrollable down my cheeks as I held the photo closed to my chest. It was my fault…

~*KiddyGrade*~ [7:47 PM]
___Kiddy Grade___

Thursday, March 02, 2006
Flying is a very wonderful thing. I have been always interested in flight, how planes glide gracefully in the sky and how birds move in the sky. It gives me a feeling that I am free. Flying is a beautiful experience. I always admire birds, their flying skills and how they soar beautifully in the sky.

I still remember the first time that I flew on a plane. I was young then, but I was already looking forward in my journey through the air. It is a very beautiful experience. During my younger days, I always wondered how such big planes was able to defy gravity and fly to the endless world above and I also admire those people who invented planes, like the Wight brothers who made the first plane, they, at my younger days, were someone who has accomplished a very great deed. They had given human a chance to explore the wonderful world above.

During the days when planes were not born, humans always dream of being like birds and fly into the endless sky above. Those people wanted to inspire to fly and many were interested in flight. Besides inspiring to be a doctor, I also want (if I have the chance) to be a pilot-to be is someone who brings myself to play and enjoy the moment of freedom way up above. Aerospace has been one of my interests. How I admire those who are able to fly up to the skies either by commercial or by military. To me flying or flight is the way of expressing one's feelings. The chance of flying one plane is one of my dreams, especially being someone who could bring some large machines up high into the skies. Whenever I go to the airport, I would spend a very long time watching the planes departing and touching down into the airport.
When I was young, I would often look out of my home's window as I can see the Paya Lebar air base and the daily activities that the military planes do and sometimes I can witness some of the air shows during the open house without even going there. It very fascinating to watch these planes perform their stunts and piloting skills in the skies above. To bad this year’s Asian Aerospace 2006 was not held in Paya Lebar, or else, I would be able to see those f-15c, f-35 joint strike fighter, Swedish Gripen and even SIA’s very own Airbus 380 too. But too bad it was held on Changi Airport grounds.

~*KiddyGrade*~ [5:56 PM]
___Kiddy Grade___

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Songs and music are a form of enjoyment and entertainment. It helps us to relieve stress and make us more relaxed. there are different kinds of songs with different kinds of affection and feelings, that is like maybe, love songs-which make people feel the love that is present in the song. songs changes our mood, they help to enhance our lives and make us feel more positive in life. songs goes well with movies and films. they can enhance the movie to make it more interesting and more lively. some sad songs can make people cry. songs is a very good key for inspiration and encouragement for a depressed person. songs make people famous. like the singapore idol, or maybe the amercian idol in america. songs can give hope to someone that has lost hope and songs can give someone happiness and a lot of enjoyment. songs also provides a rice bowl for many peoople and fame. songs can be very romanic. it is an essential part to play when you are with someone you love. this makes you feel very cozy and romantic with your loved ones.songs enhances the mood and gives people an infinite feeling. somes songs gives us a very intense point of view. sobgs can also enhances friendship between you and your friends. songs are a good company when you are studying. it inproves comcentration and makes you think faster and more clearer. songs lets you get closer to your loved ones and inproves your relationships with them. songs sometimes makes someone more patient and less hot-tempered. songs catches people attention and make them more focus. this method could be used in classes where everyone was tired and not interested in what the teacher is teaching and this method could be a useful tool to get the pupils attention and make them more focus in the lesson. songs sometimes can be a very bad influence to youngersters and lead them into a very bad future. it sometimes corrupts the mind of young people or even young children. songs also have goods points too. they can motivate people to strive for excellence and also enhances the thinking of the listeners. some songs that were not sutiable for the young should also have rankings.

~*KiddyGrade*~ [7:31 PM]
___Kiddy Grade___

Thursday, January 26, 2006
Gracious is the characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit by person to another person. For graciousness to be visible in Singapore, Singaporeans have to be less arrogant and have more courtesy towards others. I think that Singaporeans have a lot to catch up to be gracious. Not many people have these gracious values as they only care about themselves and not care about others. If people could all express graciousness to others, the world would be a very wonderful place. The newspapers conducted a test-to find out about the level of kindness, graciousness and the ability to sacrifice them to help people in need. But the result was negative, not many people were willing to commit themselves to offer help to those people in need. Graciousness is about someone showing kindness and warm courtesy towards others. I think that the gracious value in one's attitude in a very respectable quality. It can help the person in various periods in one’s life. It is a treasured quality and can help you achieve many wonderful things in your life, like strengthening friendships and make people look at a different perspective about you. Graciousness is the quality that does not appear suddenly, it is the quality that requires the right attitude and the right mindset and a lot time to cultivate, maybe even from young. Parents do play a part in teaching their child and cultivate their child to be gracious grown-ups. Not everyone has this graciousness in their mind and they do not practice it or show it to the public. These people are selfish and do not care about others. Actually everyone has graciousness in themselves but is the level of graciousness in themselves and whether they are willing to show it or not. Gracious is also the respect shown towards another person. Gracious is marked by courtesy, kindness, compassionate and merciful. If you would go down to a very crowded place in Singapore and pretend to fall, of course there would be some people who would offer their help. These people have already expressed their level of kindness, courtesy, graciousness and willingness to offer help to the other party, who experienced misfortune and embarrassment under certain circumstances. There will also be some people who only stand aside and watch the whole incident. These people have shown the lack of care and concern about the other person. The Singapore Straits Times also conduct such test like ‘ a woman that fainted at the streets.’ But the results was poor, not many people would have the heart and kindness to come forward and give a hand to the poor woman lying on the streets. But there were some who came into action and help her.

~*KiddyGrade*~ [5:52 PM]
___Kiddy Grade___

Monday, January 16, 2006

~*KiddyGrade*~ [8:15 PM]
___Kiddy Grade___

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Mrs. Sharon Tan

She is the most cheerful teacher since my secondary school life. She is always cracking jokes during our lesson and brightens up the whole class. Her jokes are like the warm sunshine that enhances her boring maths lesson. I think she is the funkiest teacher.

Although she is now pregnant, she doesn't seem to have any mood change when teaching our class. Always a cheerful and a carefree teacher. The most probable suggestion is that she should change her job and be a comedian. It really fun to have this kind of cheerful teacher in the class. Sometimes she is serious in her work or when she is teaching but she would try her utmost to crack some jokes. She could even crack jokes that seem impossible to crack. Her eyes are as sharp as an eagle's eye. She is able to catch something some of our classmates are doing behind her back very quickly. But she is a very lenient and forgiving teacher.

Never would you see her scold someone so badly or sent someone to the recovery room. I doubt she would ever make any enemies in her lifetime before. She has brought life to the whole class. The teacher that everyone is waiting for.

Sometimes I do wonder whether she would ever get stressed and depressed or not. Maybe it is because she acted too well. In school, she would give the class a source of life from her boring maths lessons. She is also a very patient teacher as sometimes when we don’t understand certain topic or subjects; she would take the effort to repeat and took the consideration to help teach the pupil until he/she understands.

The strength behind her patience and cheerfulness is her positive attitude. She would never admit failure to herself. Whenever we have a problem that is challenging, she would try her best to solve it. No matter how much we would oppose her ideas she would rebut back at us. Sometimes she could make all this communication with us into a joke. She is capable of turning a scenario of maybe a case of a pupil sleeping in class into a joke to brighten up the class. She is a very fun loving person. Sometimes she would get angry with us as we didn’t do our homework or sleep in class, but she will not punish us. Such a forgiving and cheerful is hard to ask for in such a stressful and complicated world. The lessons that has brought to my life is one that I would never forget.

Overall, I feel that she is the most humorous teacher and if you have problems entertaining somebody, look for Mrs. Sharon Tan.

6:32 PM

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happiness. Well, that word was in my mind when I looked at the framed photo of her. The smile on her face, the moments that we were together. I could still feel the happiness and love that is given to me. The warmth given then was so overwhelming. I smiled as I think of the happy times we were together......

I smiled as I skipped briskly towards my violin class. Gripping tightly on to my precious violin, I made a beeline towards the candy store. Lemon flavoured sweets were what I was searching for. Not because I liked lemon flavoured sweets but it is because of the fact that it was the favourite snack for Christine. Christine was the girl I had a crush on since we were in secondary school. She was everything to me. Well, I was kind of a shy guy and did not have the courage to tell what I feel. To me she was like the beautiful white dove that enlighten the entire forest as she passes. She was the main reason why I stayed in the violin class. She was like a piece of diamond on a pile of charcoal. I always looked forward to see her every violin lesson. Her sweet smile melts my heart every time I see her. Everything in her was perfect in my eyes.

Soon the violin class started. She came into the room like a elegant princess. I could not take my eyes off her. Although she did not seem to have any interest in me or sometimes did not even smile or talk to me , I did not mind at all. My ears were not listening to any crap the teacher was talking about. My mind was totally filled with Christine. Soon there was a slight commotion around the entire class. I was totally unaware about the sudden uproar in the class. My ears trickled. I heard my name being called. I was abruptly woken up from my own wonderful dreamland. I quickly directed my attention away from Christine. The grin on my teacher’s face gave me the chills. Fresh news rushed into my mind. I realized I was chosen for an International violin competition. I was the best candidate in the pack. Joy seems to flow into my mind. I wondered if this participation in this competition would enable Christine to be more interest in me. I glanced at her, but she seems to have no interest in me. My heart sank.

The competition finally arrived. I was like a lost baby bird without its mother, totally lost in anxiety and uneasiness. I don’t know what’s going to happen next. I had butterflies in my tummy as I heard my name being called out. Cold sweat started to flow down my cheeks. My legs started to feel like wobbly jelly and as though I could collapse anytime. I walked slowly out of the waiting room into the auditorium as I pray that all my hard work would pay off. As I looked at the audience, I almost died. The crowd was totally uncountable. But as I scanned throughout the auditorium, something caught my attention. Someone amongst audience that really got my attention. My heart was beating excitedly. It was Christine. Her appearance had become my ray of hope in my world of anxiety and darkness. She gave me the courage to carry on with my competition. She fixed her gaze on me and smiled. Smiled? That was the first time she ever smiled at me. Her beaming eyes pushed me onwards to go on stage. I hopped on stage with a new bout of energy, lifted up my violin and played to my fullest level of my ability. I was like a unbeaten warrior with my fullest burst of energy. I could hear the applause contributed by the audience. A bout of joy and happiness hit me hard as I heard the loud applause but the best of all, I saw Christine screaming at the top of her voice, totally enjoying herself. I was beaming with joy. The excitement was irresistible. The fact that Christine smiled to me really brightens me up. I heave a sigh of relief. It was finally over. I could not believe that a shy guy like me could ever do this. Well, I couldn’t stay on stage forever, I bowed to the judges and hopped off the stage, totally fatigued from the anxiety and the excitement. I walked towards the small waiting room. Little did I know that Christine already disappeared from her seat. I did not expect any joyous thing to happen next. But it did……

I strolled towards the waiting room, desiring for some drinks to cool me down. Well, I didn’t regret opening that door to the waiting room. Standing in front of me was no other than Christine. I stared wide-eyed at her, totally unprepared for the surprise. My heart skipped a beat. Her eyes sparkled at me. She ran towards me and grabbed my hand. Her warm touch made my heart really soothing. Her stare and smile caught my eye. She felt so warm by my side, so reassuring for me. She looked straight into my eyes. Although she did not say anything to me I could feel the feeling she was trying to express. Shy girl, I suppose. She rested on me. Her presence made me feel so great. Another bout of happiness hit me again. This time I was so much happier. Her love was what I wanted so much.

I wished that this moment would on last forever……

8:49 PM

Monday, March 06, 2006

Hot tears fell as I heard the news. The news of how my mom died of heart attack. Why has god done this to me? The mistake was committed by me, why can’t the blame be placed onto me? I could not accept the unfortunate events that have taken placed. I knew it was my fault. It was all my wrongdoings. I glanced at the photo with a bloodshot and tearful eye. My heart was so heavy as if a few hundred tones of weigh were on it. I have lost her. She was gone, gone…I wondered who would take care of me now…

From young, my father was no longer in this beautiful world. My mother was made the only breadwinner of the family. She worked all her life and sacrifice all her time and effort to support this family. But I was a stubborn kid and not only I did not realize her effort for the family and did not appreciate her I even scold and blame her for many things. I was usually a good boy in my primary schools. But when I when into the secondary schools, things started to get really different. I became selfish to my mom and complained that the money that I got was too little. She was strong and kept all her troubles to herself. I did not care about her as I thought that she was controlling me too much. I did not let her explain to me.

The real trouble came when I knew this group of friends. We got really close together. We went out after school and normally got into serious fights. Studies were secondary to us. We soon became one of the “terrorists” of the school. Everyone was scared of us. I was like the king of the school. I enjoyed the power that we used to have in the school. One day, when we were gathering together, my friends got together and introduce this “enjoyment” to me. I did not know about it also, but out of curiosity I tried it. I felt really great. However, luck was not on my side, I was hooked up on drugs. From that day onwards, drugs were my life. I could not do without it. I was always craving and desperate for drugs. The gang was my life. They were everything to me. But my mom was kept unaware about this. I sometimes wondered how pain she would feel if she knew about this. I knew she was softhearted and weak due to much exhaustion.

Soon my involvement with the gang slowly seeped into my mother’s ears. We were doing our rounds in our “area” when we met up with another opposing gang. Soon sparks flew and a gang fight sparked off. Darn those neighbors, who have spotted the gang and called the police. Shouts of anger echoed around the neighbourhood as police officers swarmed the entire area. But the legs of the police were always faster and I was caught like a rat in a cat’s paw.
All our parents were called. I stood there shivering like a man soaked in the rain. The shivering was not because of the cold, but the fear of my mother, and how she would react if she found out about this horrible mistake. Scenes of how my mother would do to me flashed through my eyes. The thought really freaked me out. Tears of fear began to fall as I saw how my friends were reprimanded by their angry parents and I felt how my softhearted mom would react. The main door open, and the moment of truth appeared in front of me. I could see the pain through my mother’s eyes. I knew that I had broken her heart. The intense feeling was overbearing. I felt my mom moment of anguish and disappointment in me. Tears were forming in her eyes as she saw what her beloved son had turn into. My heart was aching and I suddenly felt remorseful and felt so sorry about all the things that I have done.

To my horror, her face and blood red lips turned completely white as thought she had loss a lot of blood. She stumbled and fell to the white marble flooring. She had a heart attack! I knew she couldn’t take it. I rushed by her side and hot tears dripped on to her face. That was the last time I saw her alive.

Now, sitting on my bed, I could only see her face through her photograph. She was no longer with me. It was my fault that triggered this tragedy. My heart sank as I looked at her photos. Remorsefulness and regret seeped slowly into my mind. Tears soon fell uncontrollable down my cheeks as I held the photo closed to my chest. It was my fault…

7:47 PM

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Flying is a very wonderful thing. I have been always interested in flight, how planes glide gracefully in the sky and how birds move in the sky. It gives me a feeling that I am free. Flying is a beautiful experience. I always admire birds, their flying skills and how they soar beautifully in the sky.

I still remember the first time that I flew on a plane. I was young then, but I was already looking forward in my journey through the air. It is a very beautiful experience. During my younger days, I always wondered how such big planes was able to defy gravity and fly to the endless world above and I also admire those people who invented planes, like the Wight brothers who made the first plane, they, at my younger days, were someone who has accomplished a very great deed. They had given human a chance to explore the wonderful world above.

During the days when planes were not born, humans always dream of being like birds and fly into the endless sky above. Those people wanted to inspire to fly and many were interested in flight. Besides inspiring to be a doctor, I also want (if I have the chance) to be a pilot-to be is someone who brings myself to play and enjoy the moment of freedom way up above. Aerospace has been one of my interests. How I admire those who are able to fly up to the skies either by commercial or by military. To me flying or flight is the way of expressing one's feelings. The chance of flying one plane is one of my dreams, especially being someone who could bring some large machines up high into the skies. Whenever I go to the airport, I would spend a very long time watching the planes departing and touching down into the airport.
When I was young, I would often look out of my home's window as I can see the Paya Lebar air base and the daily activities that the military planes do and sometimes I can witness some of the air shows during the open house without even going there. It very fascinating to watch these planes perform their stunts and piloting skills in the skies above. To bad this year’s Asian Aerospace 2006 was not held in Paya Lebar, or else, I would be able to see those f-15c, f-35 joint strike fighter, Swedish Gripen and even SIA’s very own Airbus 380 too. But too bad it was held on Changi Airport grounds.

5:56 PM

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Songs and music are a form of enjoyment and entertainment. It helps us to relieve stress and make us more relaxed. there are different kinds of songs with different kinds of affection and feelings, that is like maybe, love songs-which make people feel the love that is present in the song. songs changes our mood, they help to enhance our lives and make us feel more positive in life. songs goes well with movies and films. they can enhance the movie to make it more interesting and more lively. some sad songs can make people cry. songs is a very good key for inspiration and encouragement for a depressed person. songs make people famous. like the singapore idol, or maybe the amercian idol in america. songs can give hope to someone that has lost hope and songs can give someone happiness and a lot of enjoyment. songs also provides a rice bowl for many peoople and fame. songs can be very romanic. it is an essential part to play when you are with someone you love. this makes you feel very cozy and romantic with your loved ones.songs enhances the mood and gives people an infinite feeling. somes songs gives us a very intense point of view. sobgs can also enhances friendship between you and your friends. songs are a good company when you are studying. it inproves comcentration and makes you think faster and more clearer. songs lets you get closer to your loved ones and inproves your relationships with them. songs sometimes makes someone more patient and less hot-tempered. songs catches people attention and make them more focus. this method could be used in classes where everyone was tired and not interested in what the teacher is teaching and this method could be a useful tool to get the pupils attention and make them more focus in the lesson. songs sometimes can be a very bad influence to youngersters and lead them into a very bad future. it sometimes corrupts the mind of young people or even young children. songs also have goods points too. they can motivate people to strive for excellence and also enhances the thinking of the listeners. some songs that were not sutiable for the young should also have rankings.

7:31 PM

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Gracious is the characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit by person to another person. For graciousness to be visible in Singapore, Singaporeans have to be less arrogant and have more courtesy towards others. I think that Singaporeans have a lot to catch up to be gracious. Not many people have these gracious values as they only care about themselves and not care about others. If people could all express graciousness to others, the world would be a very wonderful place. The newspapers conducted a test-to find out about the level of kindness, graciousness and the ability to sacrifice them to help people in need. But the result was negative, not many people were willing to commit themselves to offer help to those people in need. Graciousness is about someone showing kindness and warm courtesy towards others. I think that the gracious value in one's attitude in a very respectable quality. It can help the person in various periods in one’s life. It is a treasured quality and can help you achieve many wonderful things in your life, like strengthening friendships and make people look at a different perspective about you. Graciousness is the quality that does not appear suddenly, it is the quality that requires the right attitude and the right mindset and a lot time to cultivate, maybe even from young. Parents do play a part in teaching their child and cultivate their child to be gracious grown-ups. Not everyone has this graciousness in their mind and they do not practice it or show it to the public. These people are selfish and do not care about others. Actually everyone has graciousness in themselves but is the level of graciousness in themselves and whether they are willing to show it or not. Gracious is also the respect shown towards another person. Gracious is marked by courtesy, kindness, compassionate and merciful. If you would go down to a very crowded place in Singapore and pretend to fall, of course there would be some people who would offer their help. These people have already expressed their level of kindness, courtesy, graciousness and willingness to offer help to the other party, who experienced misfortune and embarrassment under certain circumstances. There will also be some people who only stand aside and watch the whole incident. These people have shown the lack of care and concern about the other person. The Singapore Straits Times also conduct such test like ‘ a woman that fainted at the streets.’ But the results was poor, not many people would have the heart and kindness to come forward and give a hand to the poor woman lying on the streets. But there were some who came into action and help her.

5:52 PM

Monday, January 16, 2006

8:15 PM




It's not a dream if it came true, but we exist to dream. Make a wish, I'm your faithful genie that doesn't have much patience :)



date: January 2006
date: February 2006
date: March 2006
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